
How many kids does Charlize Theron have? ... #us #uk #world #politics #top #news #readmore ACADEMY Award winner Charlize Theron is well known for her roles in movies such as Mad Max and The Fast and Furious franchise. But in addition to being one of the world’s highest paid actresses, she’s also a loving mom. NINTCHDBPICT000817874769[/caption] How many kids does Charlize Theron have? Charlize has two children whom she adopted from her native South Africa. Jackson is 8 and August is 4, and both live with their mom, splitting times between Los Angeles and Johannesburg, South Africa. Charlize adopted Jackson in 2012 and August in 2015, and while the actress has been fairly private about her children, she did reveal that Jackson is transgender. In an interview with Daily Mail she said: “Yes, I thought she was a boy, too. Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy!'” She continued: “So there you go! I have two beautiful daughters who, just like any parent, I want to protect and I want to see thrive. Charlize has previously ­spoken about the guilt she feels over her privilege growing up in Apartheid-era South Africa, and said she wants equality in the ­acting industry so her two black daughters can see more role models on screen. She said: “I want more representation, just selfishly, for my own girls. I want that for the world as well but, of course, it starts with the fact that I’m a mum to two small black girls and I want them to grow up in a world where they see themselves, where there is an awareness that they can be whoever they want to be because they see it.” Charlize previously revealed how much she adores being a mum to her two kids, and shared the things she loves most. She gushed: “I love being a mum. I get up with them at 5.30am every day. I make them breakfast. I pack their lunches. I cook lasagne for them. On the weekends, we hang out with family and friends.” #How many kids does Charlize Theron have?

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